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4th Annual International Music Competition
12 Categories
36 Winners & 36 Finalists
Over $60,000 in prizes!
Extended Deadline: Friday, February 21, 2025
The 4th Annual International Petrichor Music Competition is now open for submissions to all composers, performers, singers, ensembles, and orchestras from around the world.

"Soundscapes in the Mist" is an opening to the auditory world of bells, a world of hammering, reverberation, and the resonance of metal. Using different sorts of bells and chimes was very common in the history of Western music as well as the Iranian auditory culture. However, this music has less to do with the tradition of pitch-perfect orchestral bells, which was at the foremost of Western composer's attention or was common in many other musical cultures. Instead, the conceptual framework of this music is formed around the auditory world of small imperfect bells, and this imperfection is the focal point of its auditory atmosphere.
The album is named after a movie by Theo Angelopoulos entitled "Landscape in the Mist."
Producer/ Petrichor Records
Recording Engineer/ Simon Bellefleur
Sound assistant/ Joel Pucci
Graphic Design/ Studio Mashq// Hamed Hakimi
Proofreading (Persian)/ Khosrow Tabandeh
Proofreading (English)/ Emili Skuria
Photo/Haleh Vedadi Nejad// Mohammad Davood Zarei
Production assistant/ Elaheh Khaki
Special thanks to/Amin Sharifi and Ali Radman
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.
Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien.

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